Can Physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) Treat Addictions?
Question by : Can physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) treat addictions?
Addiction is a disease, and it is debilitating. And the sufferers need rehabilitation. But as far as I know, physiatrists don’t treat addiction. I want to know for sure is they do or don’t, and if… Continue reading
Is Drug Addiction Treatment Really Effective?
Question by dorian c: Is drug addiction treatment really effective?
What does it do? I was just wondering since a cousin of mine is undergoing this kind of treatment and I want to know what difference it will make aside from making him stop taking drugs and alcohol.… Continue reading
Treatments for Pcp Addiction?
Question by Steve E: treatments for pcp addiction?
help on how to kick the addiction
Best answer:
Answer by Me
pray and ask that the taste be removed from your mouth and from your rememerance and have faith it shall be done
Answer by lisa1cares
best thing you can do… Continue reading
How Many Times of Accupunture Can Be Done to Stop Alcohol Addiction and Smoking?
Question by Angel Maykhalar: How many times of accupunture can be done to stop alcohol addiction and smoking?
Best answer:
Answer by billepplerkfc
Answer by TC
Accupunture is often a very slow yet effective process. When choosing an acupunturist try finding one that specializes in addiction or has treated… Continue reading