What's Best for Babies Born to Drug-Addicted Mothers?
What's best for babies born to drug-addicted mothers?
The nation is watching Tennessee for new legislation that would allow women to be criminally charged if they use drugs during pregnancy that harm their newborns. State and … This complicated epidemic raises many questions, yielding few simple answers.
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My Friend Needs to Detox Off Heroin Naturally, What Is the Best Home Remedy WITHOUT Any Methadone/suboxone?
Question by Lily Jayne: My friend needs to detox off heroin naturally, what is the best home remedy WITHOUT any methadone/suboxone?
What is the best possible way to detox off heroin without any narcotics or drugs to make it better. What will help ease the symptoms? Please specify! Thank you!… Continue reading
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV Film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids
Knights of the South Bronx – 2005 TV film | Inspiring Chess Movie for Kids — Knights of the South Bronx is a 2005 TV film about a teacher who helps students at a tough inner-city school to succeed by teaching them to play chess. A bus…
CDC Reports Largest… Continue reading
Investing in Addiction Treatment Is Good Policy – the Hill (Blog)
Investing in addiction treatment is good policy – The Hill (blog)
Investing in addiction treatment is good policy The Hill (blog) Policymakers are slowly coming to terms with what addiction experts have known for some time. The United States is in the midst of a heroin and prescription drug epidemic,… Continue reading |
World Drug Addiction Statistics?
Question by : World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being born here… Continue reading