16×9 – Cold Reality of Canada’s Northern Communities
16×9 – Cold Reality of Canada’s northern communities — Poverty, soaring crime rates, crippling drug addiction – that’s the cold reality in some of Canada’s Northern communities. Sean Mallen has this shocking 16:9…
A gift to the drug kingpins
Of these, roughly 500,000 Americans are incarcerated on any given night… Continue reading
Doctors, Medical Staff on Drugs Put Patients at Risk
Doctors, medical staff on drugs put patients at risk
USA TODAY reviewed an array of government data and independent studies on drug use among health care practitioners, including records on hundreds of doctors, nurses and others caught diverting drugs. The newspaper also interviewed medical …
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Heroin a Growing Menace in SE Ohio
Heroin a growing menace in SE Ohio
This is the first article in a series that will focus on heroin and related drugs' growth, prevention, treatment, distribution, law enforcement and policy in Athens County and southeast Ohio. Fifteen years ago, heroin use in southeast Ohio and Athens …
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Overdoses Mounting in the Mountains
Overdoses mounting in the mountains
Law enforcement and health officials across Western North Carolina increasingly are seeing similar cases, and a recent national study suggests prescription drug abuse has hit the Appalachian mountain region harder than other areas of the country …
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Mobile Drug Rehab… Continue reading
Genesis of Drug Addiction?
Question by : genesis of drug addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Valeria
Here are some of the causes of drug addiction:
Aside from the inherited factors, some people have a personality that is more likely to become drug dependent.
– People are curious, so that… Continue reading
Question by GREG BOWMAN: MeThAmPhEtAmInE!?!?!?!?
anything similar to methamphetamine, if so can you give me detailzzzz on everything
First off Im writing a paper on this and need to know was there anything chemically similar, obviously you won’t be getting the best answer, and yes I have seen the faces… Continue reading