Life Falling Apart. Need Help?
Question by : Life falling apart. Need help?
Ok, I am 16 years old and currently studying ICT, Physics and Maths at A-Level. I don’t really know what happened but it seems that almost everything in my life is running into the ground, for example: my grades have dropped, my… Continue reading
Drug Addiction?
Question by butterfly: Drug addiction?
Tell me your opinion on the subject. Why do you think people take this stuff?It helps them as much as they think?And if they see that it doesn’t make any good to them why they continue to take them? I have a homework to do… Continue reading
Meth Rehab in Northern California
Meth Rehab in Northern California — What is Meth Rehab like? Is it safe to try it on your own? Looking for hope and help? 888-717-9725 “Doing crystal meth will lift y…
Narconon Redwood Cliffs Challenges "Tolerance Toward Marijuana Use," Citing …
"We fully endorse the drug-free principles of… Continue reading
Drug Abuse, Mal-Adapted Behavior, and Violence Are Endemic in Our Teen’s Life
Drug Abuse, Mal-Adapted Behavior, And Violence Are Endemic In Our Teen’s Life — Drug abuse, Mal-adapted behavior, and violence are endemic in our teen’s life and at Good Future Teen Rehab in Delray Beach FL…
Know everything about signs of drug abuse and addiction
These brain changes are long… Continue reading
Do Bloodshot Eyes = Drug Abuse?
Question by Club_qui_gon: Do bloodshot eyes = drug abuse?
I have a ‘friend’ who takes methadone for a past addiction and i noticed his eyes were bloodshot today. Would a regular dosage of methadone cause the user’s eyes to become bloodshot? Or should I be concerned that something is being… Continue reading