Dr. Harold Vann's Coping With Life Based on Experience-Created Wisdom
Dr. Harold Vann's Coping with Life Based on Experience-Created Wisdom
His training began at the University of Tennessee Medical School followed by an internship and residency in Pediatrics at the City of Memphis Hospital followed by another residency in Pediatrics at Vanderbilt University. He served as president of the …… Continue reading
At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over
At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
In this Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 photo, Cody Lewis, 21, a recovering heroin addict, smokes a cigarette before speaking about his life and addiction at the Good Samaritan Methodist Church in Addison, Ill. When Lewis walked out of Cook County Jail in May …… Continue reading
How Can I Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Yucca Valley, California?
Question by ahtziri s: How can I find alcohol addiction treatment centers in Yucca Valley, California?
My brother has been gobbling up way too much liquor for the past five months or so, and I’m terribly worried. His work has been badly affected by his alcoholism that he… Continue reading
Can You Get in Trouble With the Law for Driving a Loud Car Dow a Nieghborhood Street at 2 A.m in the Morning.?
Question by VaYnEpwnzzzBKzzz: Can you get in trouble with the law for driving a loud car dow a nieghborhood street at 2 a.m in the morning.?
The cops were deployed to my address for complaints from neighbors about a load car that comes and goes from my house, which is… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Center in Hawaii?
Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!
Best answer:
Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of… Continue reading
Whats the Best Treatment Center in British Columbia,Canada?
Question by CrazyLife: Whats the best treatment center in British Columbia,Canada?
I want to go to Lydia house in Mission but I cant seem to find anything about it.Anyone know? Or any other really good alcohol treatment centers?
Best answer:
Answer by Salty
Mailing address: 616 East Cordova Street
Vancouver,… Continue reading