16×9 – Cold Reality of Canada’s Northern Communities

16×9 – Cold Reality of Canada’s northern communities — Poverty, soaring crime rates, crippling drug addiction – that’s the cold reality in some of Canada’s Northern communities. Sean Mallen has this shocking 16:9…

A gift to the drug kingpins
Of these, roughly 500,000 Americans are incarcerated on any given night for a drug law violation. At the same time, death from overdose and HIV/AIDS among injection drug users has taken thousands of lives in the U.S. and Canada. Add to all of that the …
Read more on National Post

Canadian gangbangers bound by hardships: Book
The ex-gangbangers came from big cities, smaller towns and remote reserves across Canada, and they've all been convicted of violent crimes, “really sadistic things.” They served as enforcers, drug and gun runners, and even presidents in various gangs …
Read more on CANOE

Australia warned its ice problem is reaching pandemic proportions and is
The ACC will on Tuesday use a Melbourne press conference to release a report on illicit drug use in Australia which calls for a broader approach than currently exists to crack down on the ice pandemic — saying it is not just a law enforcement issue …
Read more on Herald Sun

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