Where the Grass Is Greener

Where the grass is greener
Filed under: alcohol rehab washington state

The two legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco, kill more than all the other drugs combined." Nadelmann is currently anticipating the November elections in the United States, when the citizens of Washington, Colorado and Oregon will have the opportunity to …
Read more on Haaretz


Mountainside Drug Rehab Cites Research Regarding Increase Of Stroke Risk
Filed under: alcohol rehab washington state

“We've known for years that excessive alcohol consumption causes a wide variety of health problems for many individuals,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “This is yet another study that highlights the …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Study: Military drinking 'culture' now a 'crisis'
Filed under: alcohol rehab washington state

The tough choices befall Alaskans every year when they get their dividend checks from the state's oil savings account simply for being a…More >>. It's not much – $ 878 – but Sina Takafua isn't …. WASHINGTON (AP) – Abusing alcohol and drugs has been …
Read more on WLNE-TV (ABC6)


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