What Causes Drug Abuse?
Question by speedunitnick: What causes drug abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by LadyRunner
it’s hard to say but some people want to stray away from reality. to tell you the truth, drugs make you fell good. that is while yoiui are high. afterwards, yiou feel like garbage. it’s just that after using it a couple of times, the body becomes intolerant to it and will depend on it to “feel good.” that is why addictions, not just a drug addiction is so hard to break. withoiut the drug, the person will get side effects such as tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. it’s the feeling of “pick me up” that gets people to keep taking them. i know from experience…
Answer by l’il mama
Alot of drug addicts have some type of void they are trying to fill and also are in emotional pain and can’t cope with the pain. I moved to florida very naive and had no parents that sent me in the world with skills to survive and the first time I did drugs I started to increase alot because it killed the pain of being alone and scared. It took over my life for years and now after I have had tons of therapy and self improvement I realize if someone would have been with me as a child telling me the harm of drugs and how hard a life with drugs was, I guarantee I would have made better decisions. So when you see the commercials that say *Just speak to your kids*, that is very true, it does make a difference.
Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center — Prescription Drug Abuse & Overcoming Addiction, Shands Vista Florida Recovery Center – Overcoming Prescription Drug Abuse – We can help you discover the …
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