Visitation With Proven Drug Abuse Issues in Michigan?
Question by northcountry57: Visitation With Proven Drug Abuse Issues in Michigan?
My son got an Ex Parte emergency custody order for his two kids last month when his estranged wife refussed to send them home from a visit. The order gave him full custody with her visitation for a month every other month. She just had another baby (with her boyfriend) that was born with marijuana in her system and showing signs of drug addiction. There have been abuse issues reported by my three year old grandson as well, but since there is no physical bruising, etc and he was too afraid to tell the CPS worker the things he has been telling us little bits at a time they are not able to open an abuse case. My son is torn… he does NOT want to send the kids to their mother for a month if she shows up to get them, but he;s afraid he will be arrested if he doesn’t let her have them and the kids will end up in foster care. The Ex Parte order is a temp order until the court date, probably in July. Can he keep the kids from her based on the drug issues and the abuse reports?
Best answer:
Answer by soc
it is a heavy problem for mother but you continue in support through advises, presence when necessary, giving him reading materials etc.
Answer by George McCasland
I could not say without seeing the temporary orders. Have him scan them into a PDF file and post tem on Dads House for comment. Is he following procedures for collecting evidence?
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