Victims 'to Get Voice' as Asbos Scrapped
Victims 'To Get Voice' As Asbos Scrapped
Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program
Victims could be asked whether they want an offender to sign an Acceptable Behaviour Contract, take part in alcohol or drug treatment, pay compensation or repair damage. Ms Binns, who now works with her council to improve communities, says she cannot …
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Pasco employs new weapon in war on synthetic drugs
Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program
"The spice issue is much bigger than just a few kids taking this recreationally," Sheriff Chris Nocco said during a news conference before the notices were delivered. "There are kids in our local hospitals right now and our rehab centers that are in a …
Lindsay's dad: I 'don't know what to do anymore'
Filed under: drug alcohol rehab program
She has also struggled with drugs and alcohol which has taken her to five rehabilitation facilities for a total of 250 days since January 2007. On Wednesday night, Lindsay's father Michael Lohan told HLN's Dr. Drew, “My hands are in the air … I really …
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