Vicodin and Addiction?
Question by Devastation: Vicodin and addiction?
Let’s say someone had a friend in their life who has been giving her vicodins on and off for over a year, more off than on until the last couple months. He’d give her 20-25 a mth and they’d last her a week.. Then she met someone else who gave her 10 mg norcos and she’s been taking those for the past 3 days. Now she doesn’t have any and wants to cry, sleep, feels aches and pains, general anxiety and is craving one. Although she didn’t take them every single day, could she be addicted? And what if she’s a single mom and about to graduate nursing school and has no family and no babysitter so she’s been self medicating. How would a person like her get thru it? And is she addicted to them based on the symptoms and mental craving . She’s just scared that since the switch was turned on, she’ll never stop taking them if she knows their around. The ” friend” that got her started on them is out of her life, but now she has to deal with the consequences and met someone else who will give her some of hers ” now and again”..
Best answer:
Answer by Parapraxis
You seem to be describing addition/dependence on these drugs. You need to be evaluated and possibly detoxed.
You are jeopardizing you potential nursing license and you could easily lose custody of your children if you continue taking these drugs. They are dangerous to your body, they are illegal as they were not prescribed to you, and you will be impaired from doing your work or caring for your children when you’re taking them.
You can’t win while taking them, but you stand to lose a great deal. Get treatment for yourself before you’re mandated to treatment.
vicodin – Vicodin Addiction – Vicodin treatment — Vicodin is a commonly prescribed opiate painkiller made up of hydrocodone and paracetamol, which is acetaminophen. Vicodin is…
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