Ukiah Community Center Enjoying Fruits of Consolidation
by floodllama
Ukiah Community Center enjoying fruits of consolidation
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres
"Ford Street includes alcohol and drug rehabilitation and transitional housing for families; Buddy Eller is a homeless center and provides transitional housing for individuals; Ukiah Community Center (UCC) is a homeless resource provider and the Food …
Read more on Ukiah Daily Journal
Deputies bust two local marijuana growing operations
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres
The War on Drugs is costly and, like fighting prohibition of alcohol was, it's pretty much senseless. Take that money and put it into freely available drug rehab for those who want it. This would empty our expensive prison system of about half its …
Read more on Village News Network
'This brutal new system': a GP's take on Atos and work capability assessments
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres
He has learning difficulties, alcohol problems and also has insulin-dependent diabetes. He is unable to read and write. A charity worked closely with him and managed to find accommodation and medical care for him, and they encouraged him to engage with …
Read more on The Guardian
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