Investing in Addiction Treatment Is Good Policy – the Hill (Blog)
Investing in addiction treatment is good policy – The Hill (blog)
Investing in addiction treatment is good policy The Hill (blog) Policymakers are slowly coming to terms with what addiction experts have known for some time. The United States is in the midst of a heroin and prescription drug epidemic,… Continue reading |
Looking for a Free Drug Rehab?
Question by : looking for a free drug rehab?
my husband wants to find a free drug rehab in johnson county or closeby anyone know anything he is addicted to loratabs pops morpheine pills xanex or even soma to keep from vomiting or upset stomache anyone know where… Continue reading
Is Drug Addiction Treatment Really Effective?
Question by dorian c: Is drug addiction treatment really effective?
What does it do? I was just wondering since a cousin of mine is undergoing this kind of treatment and I want to know what difference it will make aside from making him stop taking drugs and alcohol.… Continue reading
Medication an Effective Tool in Fighting Addiction – Boston Globe
Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction – Boston Globe
Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction Boston Globe Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction has been shown in multiple rigorous clinical trials to increase the likelihood that patients will be able to remain abstinent from the heroin or prescription opioids… Continue reading |
Despite Obamacare, a Gaping Hole in Addiction Treatment – USA TODAY
Despite Obamacare, a gaping hole in addiction treatment – USA TODAY
Despite Obamacare, a gaping hole in addiction treatment USA TODAY The Affordable Care Act, which promises sweeping changes to help millions of people with drug or alcohol addiction, requires that treatment be offered to those who are newly… Continue reading |