the united states

Native American Reservations?

Question by Sean: Native american Reservations?
Give me facts on them, What % of people graduate college on a reservation? What % of people are alcoholics, Gamblers, in poverty, Etc.?

Best answer:

Answer by Sweetwater
There are many different reservations and there isn’t enough space to list all of them… Continue reading

Question on America’s Drug Abuse?

Question by I Moved Your Cheese: Question on America’s drug abuse?
Statistics say that in England drug abuse is largely a lower-class problem, and areas where many immigrants reside tend to have higher drug-related crime rates than others. Yes, I do realise that these are generalisations and there are many… Continue reading

Brooklyn, NY: Russian Immigrants Seek Culturally Appropriate Substance Abuse Treatment

Brooklyn, NY: Russian immigrants seek culturally appropriate substance abuse treatment — Personal stories of Russian speaking immigrants who initiated drug use in the United States.

Bogus event booker from Brooklyn slammed by victims as he gets up to eight
By Shayna Jacobs / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Thursday …… Continue reading

15 Months Clean, Former Heroin User Is Dedicated to Recovery, Working Full

15 months clean, former heroin user is dedicated to recovery, working full
I am Jessica and 15 months ago, I was addicted to heroin, sticking needles in my arm.” Neeley, Shelly Campbell, 39, and Mary Pat Frost, 44, started a recovery group for women at Born Free, a substance… Continue reading

Why Are Benzodiazepines Abused?

Question by Sarah S: why are benzodiazepines abused?

Best answer:

Answer by Buster Hymen
To get high.

Answer by silky1
This family of drugs accounts for five out of the 10 categories in the government’s list of most abused drugs in the United States. Between 10% and 15% of all… Continue reading

Why Is This Border Patrol Agent Being Charged With Murder?

Question by Sheriff Joe: Why is this Border Patrol agent being charged with murder?
Let me get this straight, this mojado gets high as a kite, attacks Border Patrol when they take off his cuffs, they taser him and he dies because of all of the drugs in his system?… Continue reading