the independent

Court Round-Up

Court round-up
Filed under: alcohol rehab uk

DRUG PRODUCTION: Verity Gobran, 29, Dunninc Road, Shiregreen, community order with activity requirement, £85 costs; Mark Hill, 23, Moorsyde Crescent, Crookes, 16-week suspended prison sentence, drug rehabilitation requirement, £85 costs; Mark Sulley …
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Matthew Perry: He'll be… Continue reading

Jennifer Hudson: Dream Girl Grows Up

Jennifer Hudson: Dream girl grows up
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres

Born in a working-class neighbourhood in Chicago, she grew up singing gospel at her local church, and has never touched a drop of alcohol or a drug in her life. "I don't know what it's like to… Continue reading

Leave Drug Addiction Treatment Out of Your Austerity Cuts, Experts Warn … – the Independent

Leave drug addiction treatment out of your austerity cuts, experts warn … – The Independent
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

The Independent
Leave drug addiction treatment out of your austerity cuts, experts warn
The Independent
Drug experts and policy makers from around Europe gathered in Athens to urge governments to… Continue reading

The Naked Truth: Lizzy Caplan on 'Masters of Sex'

The naked truth: Lizzy Caplan on 'Masters of Sex'
Filed under: alcohol rehab va

In it, Caplan and Michael Sheen portray the real-life pioneers of the science of human sexuality, Dr William Masters and Virginia Johnson, whose research sparked an American sexual revolution. This 1950s drama retells a love ….… Continue reading

Jimi Hendrix: 'The More Famous He Got, the Less Happy He Became'

Jimi Hendrix: 'The more famous he got, the less happy he became'
Filed under: salvation army drug and alcohol rehab

… Leon had found only drugs. Concerned relatives attempted to sound the alarm and a desperate intervention from his children finally resulted in Leon being whisked to rehab in Pasadena,… Continue reading

Marjorie Hill, Gay Men's Health Crisis CEO, Forced Out After Angering Clients

Marjorie Hill, Gay Men's Health Crisis CEO, Forced Out After Angering Clients
Filed under: florida alcohol rehab

"Her treatment of the clients here, at least for me, it wasn't up to par — she wanted to run the thing, but she didn't want the input from us." The letter… Continue reading