Finding Good Herion Addiction Rehab Centers?
Question by Ghena Hammond: Finding good Herion addiction rehab centers?
My husband is a heroin addict and hence i’m in search of a really good rehab center away from our home country. I need to know how to assess rehab centers i find online and what are your… Continue reading
What to Do if Friend Has Gambling Addiction?
Question by Frosty Z: what to do if friend has gambling addiction?
my friend is an avid poker player, always playing poker at casinos or online,
and i just happened to know he lost a lot of money online ~ -15,000 Usd
through an online database that shows your total… Continue reading
To a Medical Doctor About Opiate Addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?
Question by JiNx: To a Medical Doctor about Opiate addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?
I have off and on, mostly on, been addicted to prescription pain medications (Opiates) for about 10 years (I’m almost 30 now, and started at age 19-20). I have tried to quit many times,… Continue reading
Drug Addicts Family Support Meetings?
Question by summer: drug addicts family support meetings?
I’m eighteen and still in high school. I have a brother who is an addict and I am curious about the al-ateen meetings and al-anon meetings. Which one would be best for me? I guess is what I am… Continue reading
Oxycodone Addiction Treatment
Oxycodone addiction treatment — Oxycodone addiction treatment | Addiction Blog If you are addicted to oxycodone and …
Dr. Ablow: 'Faces of Drug Arrests' may not face real truth about drug abuse
My problem with the campaign is only this: Most of the addicts I treat for cocaine dependence… Continue reading