synthetic drug

Drug Rehab Programs?

Question by MrSandman: Drug rehab programs?
Can you tell me if drug rehab programs are successful in the UK and what is the cost per week to the taxpayer or addict to receive treatment? I understand that the costs might be astronomical… Continue reading

Deadly New Drug Raising Concerns in WNC

Deadly new drug raising concerns in WNC
ASHEVILLE — Local law enforcement and public health workers are learning more about a powerful synthetic drug, up to five times more potent than heroin, that is linked to dozens of deaths in the Northeast. The drug … “We're probably not the only… Continue reading

Alcohol Addiction Clinics – See This Video

Alcohol Addiction Clinics – See This Video – Visit: – Alcohol Addiction Clinics — Rehabilitation treatment Handling all types of addictions, Is alcohol, drug use or ot…


Overdoses attributed to club drug 'Molly' increase
Filed under: alcohol rehab delaware

The sweaty, overheated, agitated young people who come into… Continue reading

Desperation Breeds Disaster: The Ugly Truth About Krokodil

Desperation Breeds Disaster: The Ugly Truth About Krokodil
Filed under: methamphetamine rehab centers

Millions of drug users throughout Russia urgently need access to evidence-based treatment and medication for their drug use, but are refused it, largely due to stigma and ignorance. Earlier this year, the Pulitizer Center reported on the… Continue reading

Young Adults Are Affected by Their Parents' Alcoholism, and Newly Released

Young Adults Are Affected by Their Parents' Alcoholism, and Newly Released
Filed under: samsha drug and alcohol rehab programs

Results from a survey* by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), reveal that at least 14.3 percent of persons aged 40-64 reported drinking five or more drinks… Continue reading

Probation Will Fill Service Gaps

Probation will fill service gaps
Filed under: in patient alcohol rehab

The department will receive $ 519,701 in state funds over the next two years to create four new jobs and enhance in-house treatment facilities in an effort to combat recidivism — offenders committing crimes once they exit the criminal… Continue reading