The New Drugs Craze Sweeping South Africa With Fatal Consequences
The New Drugs Craze Sweeping South Africa with Fatal Consequences — Drug addicts in South Africa are robbing HIV-positive patients of their medication to get high. Called ‘whoonga’ it’…
Legal weed's race problem: White men get rich, black men stay in prison
And we've done this in precisely the… Continue reading
Are Most of Ron Paul’s Supporters Drug Addicts?
Question by tea party is doomed: are most of Ron Paul’s supporters drug addicts?
Ron Paul wants to legalize Marijuana and probably many other recreational drugs… is this why he has considerable amount of supporters in the internet? are they high on drugs or something?
Best answer:
Answer by S… Continue reading
Government Switches Strategy on Drugs
Government Switches Strategy On Drugs
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres
Echoing UNDOC's sentiments, South Africa's latest National Drug Master Plan signals a shift in the country's drug policy, from one narrowly focused on supply to one that highlights the need for treatment. This includes more government… Continue reading
Wasp Cuts Bee in Half, Because Nature Is Just the Worst (VIDEO)
Wasp Cuts Bee In Half, Because Nature Is Just The Worst (VIDEO)
Filed under: drug rehab centres cape town
It's the circle of life. But more realistically, it's just a wasp doing what it does best — being a monstrous jerk. In what is less of an epic fight and… Continue reading