16 Hospitals the OIG Has Tagged for Medicare Overpayments So Far in 2013
16 Hospitals the OIG Has Tagged for Medicare Overpayments So Far in 2013
Filed under: inpatient rehab centers
The OIG found the 328-bed Norwalk Hospital improperly received roughly $ 2.74 million in Medicare payments due to errors in inpatient rehabilitation facility claims. 15. Baton Rouge (La.) General Medical Center. Incorrect… Continue reading
The Naked Doctor: An Indepth Look at the Pitfalls of “Cutting Edge” Medicine
The Naked Doctor: an indepth look at the pitfalls of “cutting edge” medicine
Filed under: inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers
“Not only will that aspiration require others to miss out on even the second-best treatment, but it too often also actively harms the recipient,” he says. Perhaps one area where more… Continue reading
Eastern Mass. Highest in Nation for Opiate Overdose Hospital Admissions
Eastern Mass. highest in nation for opiate overdose hospital admissions
Filed under: alcohol rehabilitation centers massachusetts
The Boston region, which includes Suffolk, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, and Essex counties plus two New Hampshire counties, also ranked first in ER treatment for heroin overdoses with a rate of 251 per 100,000… Continue reading
Addiction Medicine Pioneer Dr. AR Mohammad Outraged by Deceptive Tobacco …
Addiction Medicine Pioneer Dr. AR Mohammad Outraged by Deceptive Tobacco …
Filed under: inpatient alcohol rehabilitation centers
… one of the top inpatient rehab centers in California, and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California, announced today that he and his team… Continue reading
Ben Carson to America: Rise Up and Fight for Freedom [VIDEO]
Ben Carson to America: Rise up and fight for freedom [VIDEO]
Filed under: long term alcohol rehab
Dr. Ben Carson is turning his attention from healing sick people to healing his beloved nation. The 61-year-old recently retired as one of the most eminent and successful neurosurgeons in the country. At… Continue reading
Breaking the Cycle: Great Starts Program Offers Comprehensive Treatment …
Breaking the cycle: Great Starts program offers comprehensive treatment …
Filed under: free drug rehabilitation centers
The residential treatment center, which can house up to 24 women, is one of the region's few agencies that offers child care for mothers recovering from drug addiction. Ramsey gave birth to her second… Continue reading