Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?
Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home… Continue reading
Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization
Pros and cons of marijuana legalization
… perception of young people who see marijuana as bad," says Ben Cort, a recovering drug addict who led the fight against legalization in Colorado and is now a director of the Colorado Center for Addiction, Dependency and Rehabilitation in Aurora, Colo.
Read more… Continue reading
Where Can I Look Up Drug Rehab Programs in Virginia?
Question by capoeirakid: Where can I look up drug rehab programs in Virginia?
Okay, so my mom and her friend are starting a lfe coaching business. I’m going to help them by finding programs such as rehabs, support groups, charities, etc. for their clients. Right now, I’m helping… Continue reading
Why Do We Get Munchies After Drinking? Does Anyone Has a More Scientific or Clinical Answer?
Question by goosebumps: Why do we get munchies after drinking? Does anyone has a more scientific or clinical answer?
Does anyone has a more scientific or clinical answer? Does glucose have any affect?
Best answer:
Answer by Chantarella
Actually- I dont.
But it would have to be the inhibitions. After… Continue reading