Need Recommendation for a Good Rehab in LA, and a Good Wedding Chaple in Las Vegas?
Question by probum: Need recommendation for a good rehab in LA, and a good wedding chaple in Las Vegas?
Looking for rehab for drug or alcohol addiction in Los Angles, and a wedding chapel in Las Vegas (cheesier the better, near greyhound station the best)!
If you have recommendations or… Continue reading
How Much Is Drug Rehab a Month in California?
Question by mr. frodo: How much is drug rehab a month in California?
any drug, i just need an estimate for a school project. Orange County.
Best answer:
Answer by Dr Hrvacic
It costs hundreads unless you are admitted by the state, which would then be for free.
Answer by… Continue reading
Are Certain Types of Adolescents Prone to Drug Abuse?
Question by marie: are certain types of adolescents prone to drug abuse?
Are certain “types” of adolescents more prone to drug abuse than others?
I need websites or answers?
Best answer:
Answer by Raging Moderate
Drug abuse can be experimentation or it can be hard core addiction. Depends… Continue reading
Info on Recommended Low Cost Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs in Sacramento, CA areA?
Question by karenzresearch: info on recommended low cost drug & alcohol rehab programs in Sacramento, CA areA?
Best answer:
California Treatment Services Alcohol Or Drug Problem? We Can Help You Now!
(530) 743-3304, 5653 Arboga Rd, Marysville, CA… Continue reading