Rehab Centre

Josh Brolin Is the Latest Celebrity to Check Into Rehab, This Time Its for Alcohol Abuse

Josh Brolin Is The Latest Celebrity To Check Into Rehab, This Time Its For Alcohol Abuse
Filed under: Alcohol Rehab

American actor Josh Brolin has checked into rehab for alcohol abuse.Us Weekly reports, the 45 year-old has entered a facility in Northern California…
Alcohol Rehab – Yahoo News Search Results… Continue reading

Lilo 'Possessive of Younger Model'

Lilo 'possessive of younger model'
Filed under: alcohol rehab centres in ireland

The 27-year-old star has been trying to clean up her act after spending 90 days in rehab. She left the Cliffside Malibu centre at the end of July and has since been mentored by talk show host Oprah… Continue reading

Misleading Marketing Helps Rise of Robotic Surgery

Misleading marketing helps rise of robotic surgery
Filed under: denver alcohol rehab

Robotic surgery is used to perform hysterectomies, gall bladder removals, prostate cancer treatment, heart valve operations and many other soft tissue operations. Half of general surgeons plan to add robotic systems within two years in response to …… Continue reading

Prisoner Rehab Centre Ditched – Corrections Cites Public Concern

Prisoner rehab centre ditched – Corrections cites public concern
Filed under: alcohol rehab centres

Instead of returning to stay at an eight-bed residential facility with dedicated staff providing education, alcohol and drug treatment and employment support, post-release prisoners would be picked up from the prison gates, taken home and referred… Continue reading

The Cabin Chiang Mai Alcohol and Drug Rehab to Participate in APSAD … – PR Web (Press Release)

The Cabin Chiang Mai Alcohol and Drug Rehab to Participate in APSAD … – PR Web (press release)
Filed under: Alcohol Rehab

The Cabin Chiang Mai Alcohol and Drug Rehab to Participate in APSAD
PR Web (press release)
Psychologist Cameron Brown of The Cabin Chiang Mai rehab centre will… Continue reading

Alcohol Rehab Program | Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers | Alcohol Rehab Program

Alcohol Rehab Program | Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centers | Alcohol Rehab Program – Alcohol Rehab Program offers living and treatment accommodations for drug, alcohol, and prescription drug addiction using counse…


Drugs can be bad sometimes
Filed under: alcohol rehab program

Marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol tax could contribute… Continue reading