patrick kennedy

My Father Is Very Addicted to Illegal Drugs. How Do I Step in This Problem?

Question by Holla 409: My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem?
My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem? I work near Slocum, Rhode Island. Are there any local government or charitable or private companies… Continue reading

Nearly 4M Mentally Ill Still Lack Insurance

Nearly 4M mentally ill still lack insurance
She lives in one of the 24 states that chose not to expand their Medicaid programs, offered under the Affordable Care Act. Those decisions have left about 3.7 million Americans with serious mental illness, psychological distress or a substance abuse …
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'We'Re All Paying:' Heroin Spreads Misery in US

'We're all paying:' Heroin spreads misery in US
ADVANCE FOR USE SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 2014 AND THEREAFTER – FILE – In this Monday, May 6, 2013 file photo, a drug addict prepares a needle to inject himself with heroin in front of a church in the Skid Row area of… Continue reading

Data on Drug Addiction?

Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction?
I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country.

It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries.

Best answer:… Continue reading

Pittsburgh's Community-Based Non-Profits Are Assets Too! – Part III

Pittsburgh's community-based non-profits are assets too! – Part III
Filed under: pennsylvania alcohol rehab

We learn early in drug and alcohol recovery the first step- acknowledge there is a problem. Although … When I introduce myself and inform them I work at POISE Foundation: An African American community foundation in… Continue reading

Haven for Hope Surpasses 1000th Graduate Mark

Haven for Hope surpasses 1000th graduate mark
Filed under: center for substance abuse treatment

More than 70 partner agencies deliver a wealth of services, everything from GED classes to drug and alcohol abuse treatment to mental health care. A total of 1,046 graduates to date have secured documented permanent housing,… Continue reading