nonprofit organization

Services Set for Nate Waters, Advocate for Disabled the Tulsan's Fight to

Services set for Nate Waters, advocate for disabled The Tulsan's fight to
Filed under: long term drug rehab

Waters, who grew up in Chicago, talked often of the poverty, drugs and crime that characterized his tumultuous childhood. At age 19, it had … Coming forward in support, they helped… Continue reading

Local Man Replaces Michael Reagan as Keynote Speaker at Cleveland Rape

Local man replaces Michael Reagan as keynote speaker at Cleveland Rape
Filed under: drug addiction rehab center

Instead, the Center decided on a little name with a colossal story: Mike, a guy who was sexually abused as a kid, spent 15 years addicted to cocaine, who bunked wherever he… Continue reading

Walton Man: Life of Service Means a Life of Joy

Walton man: Life of service means a life of joy
Filed under: alcohol rehab success

Plauche has worked for 18 years as the director of Haven House, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and counseling to men in rehabilitation from drug or alcohol use. “For me, I could see clearly… Continue reading

Improvements in Mental Health Care in the Works

Improvements in mental health care in the works
Filed under: substance abuse rehab centers

In return, mental health centers, often nonprofit organizations that accept a fair amount of Medicaid money, would have to provide services such as 24-hour crisis psychological treatment and substance abuse programs. Backers say that the proposal… Continue reading

Alcohol Treatment Centers in Los Angeles | Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

Alcohol Treatment Centers in Los Angeles | Substance Abuse Treatment Centers – For treatment, detoxification, counseling and more services, go to Alcohol Treatment Centers in Los Angeles and get rehabilitation for alcohol, drug, and prescribed drugs dependency. Call 877-281-6143 http


Waco substance abuse facility changes name… Continue reading

Drug Rehab Chicago | Substance Abuse Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Chicago

Drug Rehab Chicago | Substance Abuse Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Chicago – Alcohol, drug, and prescription drug dependency rehab at Drug Rehab Chicago’s, a residential center in Chicago, IL, with detox and more. Call 877-281-6143 http


Not in our backyard!
Filed under: substance abuse rehab centers

Enlarge… Continue reading