Food Addiction Treatment?
Question by tammy p: Food Addiction Treatment?
I weigh 416 pounds. How do I treat my food addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by Amber
Answer by beefire9
From personal experience I can say that I am truly sympathetic to your battle. I work with several people that tell… Continue reading
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Video for Employees
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Training Video For Employees — Today, one out of every ten US employees has a problem with substance abuse. This informational video explores drug and alcohol abuse and its effects in the …
'We're all paying:' Heroin spreads misery in US
It remains a small part… Continue reading
Event Being Held for Opioid Addiction Prevention
Event being held for opioid addiction prevention
Speakers representing the Berkshire regional Planning Commission and Brien Center for Mental Health & Substance Abuse will also be there. They will present information about the next county-wide Prescription Drug Roundup which will be held on …
Read more on WRGB
States Rebel Against… Continue reading
Can Drug Abuse Be Misdiagnosed as Mental Illness?
Question by momfour: Can drug abuse be misdiagnosed as mental illness?
My son was diagnosed as having schizo-affective disorder. He had been abusing cocaine and marijuana. He suffered a pyschotic break. Is it possible this was a result of the drug abuse and not mental illness?
Best answer:… Continue reading
Prescription Drug Abuse in Delaware [Delaware Online News Video]
Prescription drug abuse in Delaware [Delaware Online News Video] — Addicts, counselors, regulators and law enforcement weigh in on the prescription drug abuse problem in Delaware and what can be done to help correct it. (11/…
A Delaware man convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter only faced …
According to… Continue reading
Drug Rehab Programs in California.(FREE)?
Question by Yo-Yo: Drug Rehab programs in California.(FREE)?
I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
My best friend’s mother was a meth addict a few years back and recently my friend(samantha) found meth in her house.
She says her mom has been acting differently and coming home… Continue reading