At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over
At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
In this Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 photo, Cody Lewis, 21, a recovering heroin addict, smokes a cigarette before speaking about his life and addiction at the Good Samaritan Methodist Church in Addison, Ill. When Lewis walked out of Cook County Jail in May …… Continue reading
Former FBI Agent Speaks About Financial Crimes
Former FBI agent speaks about financial crimes
Blue-collar crimes, committed against another person or property, involve crimes of arson, assault, theft, robbery, burglary, larceny, drug abuse, gambling, kidnapping, murder, poaching, prostitution and vandalism, he said. John Edmonds Jr., 59, and …
Overdoses mounting in the mountains… Continue reading
Woman Spared Longer Jail Term to Get Help With Drug Addiction
Woman spared longer jail term to get help with drug addiction
… spared longer jail term to get help with drug addiction. The sign at the Ontario Court of Justice in Windsor, Ont. is shown in this 2011 file photo. … Ginelle Soney, 29, steals to feed a drug addiction.… Continue reading
Why Is Drug Consumption, Drug Demand, Drug Addiction, and Drug Abuse, a Huge Problem in America?
Question by Amerikan: Why is drug consumption, drug demand, drug addiction, and drug abuse, a huge problem in America?
A lucrative and profitable business , but a huge health, moral and civic problem in USA
Best answer:
Answer by Pliny the Elder
It alters the way people feel. Even though… Continue reading
What Is a Drug Substance Abuse?
Question by junkfood: what is a drug substance abuse?
does any one know ?
Best answer:
Answer by dakinijones
Usually the term is either “drug abuse” or “substance abuse” and it is the misuse of any substance intended for medical use – usually for pleasure.
For wikipedia… Continue reading
At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over
At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
By then, Lewis was a $ 100-a-day addict. Heroin was no longer fun. He needed it to get rid of the sweats and the shakes, the body cramps, the aches in his bones. "I had to use," he says, "to feel normal, like… Continue reading