Patients Suffer From PTSD After Heart Attack, Stroke
Patients suffer from PTSD after heart attack, stroke
Filed under: best alcohol treatment centers
He was also in good health at the time — he had recently lost some weight; he worked out five to six times a week; he never smoked. The fact that he had a … He… Continue reading
San Diego Rehabs | Rehabs in San Diego | San Diego Rehabs
San Diego Rehabs | Rehabs in San Diego | San Diego Rehabs – San Diego Rehabs address drug and alcohol addiction with therapy, clean and sober living facilities, San Diego detox programs, aft…
Crossroads rehab program graduates saluted
Filed under: inpatient alcohol rehab centers
"I loved confrontation," Gonzalez… Continue reading
No Retreat on Mental Health Funding
No retreat on mental health funding
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab centers
Meanwhile, the budget proposes closing three state-run alcohol and drug abuse inpatient treatment centers. The centers treat thousands of desperate people, many with mental illness issues, and the numbers are going up annually. Without the centers …
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Sharp Increase in Exercise Predicts Inpatient Treatment for Anorexia
Sharp Increase in Exercise Predicts Inpatient Treatment for Anorexia
Filed under: inpatient alcohol rehab
TherapyNewsPic71 Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating issue that has been shown to be especially hard to treat. Even when clients are admitted for inpatient treatment, diet and nutrition remain significant obstacles for improving outcomes. One… Continue reading