huffington post

For Richard Family, Finding Strength

For Richard family, finding strength
When Jane had met all her rehabilitation goals, and her room at home had been redone to be more accessible, the staff at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital organized a farewell party. There were … Afterward, they picked up Henry, who had just come off …
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Addicts Victorious Conference Helps Battle 'Drug Epidemic'

Addicts Victorious conference helps battle 'drug epidemic'
Working Together to Make Our Communities a Safe and Better Place to Live is the theme of the organization's 27th anniversary addiction impact conference, set for Saturday at the Quincy Senior and Family Resource Center. A full slate of speakers …
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Amid Opioid Crisis, Lawmakers Will Consider Banning a New Painkiller

Amid Opioid Crisis, Lawmakers Will Consider Banning A New Painkiller
Fanciullo said lawmakers are right to take a hard look at the new drug, given the state's difficulty in controlling the abuse of prescription painkillers that have been on the market for decades. “Is there an unmet need in pain… Continue reading

Uruguay Considers Using Medical Marijuana to Treat Cocaine Addicts in Prison

Uruguay Considers Using Medical Marijuana To Treat Cocaine Addicts In Prison
"Jail is not a very suitable place for someone to safely overcome drug addiction," Leonel Briozzo, the country's undersecretary for public health, said in an event at the U.N. Briozzo called for "new strategies for drug addiction treatment, especially… Continue reading

Sarah Leung, Vancouver Mother, Guilty in Babies' Deaths

Sarah Leung, Vancouver Mother, Guilty In Babies' Deaths
VANCOUVER – A Vancouver jury has convicted a 28-year-old woman of two counts of infanticide in the separate deaths of her two newborn sons, finding her guilty of a lesser crime than second-degree murder. … Lawyers will return to B.C. Supreme Court… Continue reading

Tampa Addiction Treatment | Detox 813 400 1380

Tampa Addiction Treatment | Detox 813 400 1380 — Tampa Addiction Treatment | Detox 813 400 1380 The Coleman Institute Addiction Treatment 813-400-1380 www.thecoleman…

'We're All Paying': Heroin Spreads Misery In US
"I thought my suburban, middle-class family was immune to drugs such as this," says Valerie Pap, who… Continue reading