heroin addict

My Friend Is on Heroin…?

Question by Music Guru: My Friend is on Heroin…?
I recently found out that my very good friend is smoking heroin, I am not sure for how long, but at least 4 months. I’m worried about him, he wants to stop, but it’s not like he can just go to… Continue reading

Brockton Mayor Seeks Harsher Penalties for Drug Dealers – WBUR

Brockton Mayor Seeks Harsher Penalties For Drug Dealers – WBUR

Brockton Mayor Seeks Harsher Penalties For Drug Dealers
BOSTON — Calling Brockton the “epicenter of the heroin crisis in southeastern Massachusetts,” the city's mayor, Bill Carpenter, is proposing tougher penalties for dealers caught trying to sell drugs within 300… Continue reading

What Is Heroin Detox For?

Question by bree f: What is heroin detox for?
Is this a part of therapy? I’m just really curious.

Best answer:

Answer by darby lw
Well, heroin detox is a part of an effective rehabilitation program. It’s the first stage for a person undergoing treatment for heroin addiction. Heroin detox… Continue reading

Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
Of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million people received aid at a specialty facility, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Heroin addicts are a …
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Remembering the Drug Court Revolution

Remembering the Drug Court Revolution
Markus and the county prosecutor have worked together to develop a protocol specifically for veterans who have become addicted as a result of PTSD after their military service. He remembered his own experiences as a drug addict, at a time when he felt …
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Suboxone Detox From Heroin?

Question by Seriously…: Suboxone Detox from Heroin?
My hubby has been on Heroin for 2 months (someone told him he was buying something else). either way- now he’s been on it and he thinks that he can just go to a dr and ask them for a suboxone rx. do… Continue reading