heroin addict

Thomas Bertels – Methadone

Thomas Bertels – Methadone — Thomas began the cycle of drug abuse when he a was a young boy of 13. He started with marijuana and cigarettes, then moved to alcohol, heroin, suboxone, and …

Suboxone might be the most effective way to beat heroin addiction. So why is …… Continue reading

At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over (Heroin in the US)

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over (Heroin in the US)
20, 2014 photo, Cody Lewis, a recovering heroin addict, runs his hands through his hair, before speaking about his life and addiction at the Good Samaritan Methodist Church in Addison, Ill. Lewis never thought of quitting until May 2013,… Continue reading

Fighting Heroin Addiction / Treatment Beds Needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Press of Atlantic City
Cape May County does not have a single bed listed in the state Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services' treatment directory (although the county does offer… Continue reading

Fighting Heroin Addiction / Treatment Beds Needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed – Press of Atlantic City

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Press of Atlantic City
Cape May County does not have a single bed listed in the state Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services' treatment directory (although the county does offer… Continue reading

Ecstasy Use Has Fallen Dramatically in Malta.

Ecstasy use has fallen dramatically in Malta.
Ecstasy use has fallen dramatically in Malta. Ecstasy use in Malta has declined radically and the use of khat has increased significantly, drug specialist Mario Mifsud told the House Social Affairs Committee. … He said that heroin addicts were of a …
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Methadone Detox: Detoxing From Methadone Is Possible!

Methadone Detox: Detoxing from Methadone is Possible! — http://www.dragresti.com ~ (561) 842.9550 Methadone detox is possible within 6 to 8 weeks. Detox from Methadone safely and without pain. Dr. Agresti, West Pa…

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
Then drive 35 miles from his suburban home in Aurora to… Continue reading