health care

The Meadows Wickenburg Sponsor and Presenter at International Trauma Conference

The Meadows Wickenburg Sponsor and Presenter at International Trauma Conference
The Meadows trauma and addiction treatment center is a sponsor and presenter at the 25th Annual International Trauma Conference on May 28 – May 31, 2014, at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, Mass. The conference director, Bessel A.… Continue reading

Phone Device That 'sends' Smells Could Help Treat Alzheimer's

Phone device that 'sends' smells could help treat Alzheimer's
Filed under: michigan alcohol rehab

Edwards, also a student at Michigan Technological University, says the technology may be useful in the world of health care – particularly for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and mental illness. The oPhone does not work… Continue reading

Penn State Sorority Closes Following Offensive Photo

Penn State sorority closes following offensive photo
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab in pa

Colleges with the most drug and alcohol arrests. See which colleges and universities have the highest number of per capita drug and alcohol related arrests in a new report published by More …
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How Obamacare Is Changing Addiction Treatment Coverage – Huffington Post

How Obamacare Is Changing Addiction Treatment Coverage – Huffington Post
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Boston Globe
How Obamacare Is Changing Addiction Treatment Coverage
Huffington Post
The federal government, for example, released final regulations in November concerning the ACA's requirements that mental health and substance abuse treatment receive equal footing with… Continue reading

New Pain Pill’s Approval: ‘Genuinely Frightening’ – CNN

New pain pill’s approval: ‘Genuinely frightening’ – CNN
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

American News Report
New pain pill's approval: 'Genuinely frightening'
(CNN) — A potent little painkiller is causing a big stir. A coalition of more than 40 health care, consumer and addiction treatment groups is urging the Food… Continue reading

Saving Lives: AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin's Ultimate Mission

Saving Lives: AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin's Ultimate Mission
Filed under: medicare alcohol rehab

Although the HOPE bills are new to Wisconsin, one program affirmed in the legislation has been quietly operating under the direction of AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW) as part of its aim to get addicts… Continue reading