drug detox

To a Medical Doctor About Opiate Addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?

Question by JiNx: To a Medical Doctor about Opiate addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?
I have off and on, mostly on, been addicted to prescription pain medications (Opiates) for about 10 years (I’m almost 30 now, and started at age 19-20). I have tried to quit many times,… Continue reading

Can Drugs Make You Not Get Pregnant?

Question by Wendie: Can drugs make you not get pregnant?
This question is not at all for me. I am already pregnant. There is a lady that I work with who is going to a fertility clinic to try to get pregnant. She has told me that she has been… Continue reading

How Can I Detox From Methadone Easily & Without Getting 2 Sick & Without Checking in 2 a Facility?

Question by barrycarpenter9509: how can i detox from methadone easily & without getting 2 sick & without checking in 2 a facility?

Best answer:

Answer by qtpie20121
Unfortunately, NO. As a methadone advocate and a nurse I get asked this question more than any other because methadone detox… Continue reading

Coroner: Bucks Inmate Died of Heart Failure During Heroin Withdraw

Coroner: Bucks inmate died of heart failure during heroin withdraw
A 49-year-old Bensalem woman found dead inside her Bucks County prison cell suffered sudden cardiac death during heroin detoxification, according to the Bucks County coroner. Marlene Yarnall was found dead in her cell in the “F” module of the prison… Continue reading

Detox Spokane | Addiction Treatment Spokane | Detox Spokane

Detox Spokane | Addiction Treatment Spokane | Detox Spokane — Alcohol Drug Rehab Spokane Call (509) 237-6444 to Get Help Now! to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facilities and drug detox progra…

Group offers wet, wild trips for at-risk kids
The second objective is… Continue reading

How to Help a Heroin and Meth Addict?

Question by peanutlover: How to help a heroin and meth addict?
I have a family member who has done heroin for 6 years and recently started doing meth. She will just go missing, we will search for her, find her, bring her into detox or bring her to her moms… Continue reading