drug detox

Canton Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Drug Detox Program – DigitalJournal.com

Canton Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Drug Detox Program – DigitalJournal.com

Canton Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Drug Detox Program
Canton Alcohol Drug Rehab announces that a new drug detox program has started for drug and alcohol addiction in Canton and surrounding cities. Detoxification allows individuals that have filled… Continue reading

Heroin 'Filled the Hole': For Kid From Suburbs, Pot Was First Stop on Road to

Heroin 'filled the hole': For kid from suburbs, pot was first stop on road to
CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) — As deaths from heroin and powerful painkillers skyrocket nationwide, governments and clinics are working to put a drug that can reverse an opiate overdose into the hands of more first… Continue reading

At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
In this Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 photo, Cody Lewis, 21, a recovering heroin addict, smokes a cigarette before speaking about his life and addiction at the Good Samaritan Methodist Church in Addison, Ill. When Lewis walked out of Cook County Jail in May …… Continue reading

Does Anyone Know of a Good Detox and Inpatient Treatment Center in Milwaukee, WI?

Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she… Continue reading

Suboxone Can Anyone Give Me Any Information?

Question by pugswifey: Suboxone Can anyone give me any information?
I am addicted to opiates. I don’t have any insurance. I just recently walked myself into the emergency room and asked for help. The bastards sent me home and said good luck but with no insurance we just can’t do… Continue reading

Drugging America's Veterans: Painkiller Abuse Spreads as VA Becomes Vets

Drugging America's Veterans: Painkiller Abuse Spreads as VA Becomes Vets
According to the investigation, VA prescriptions for four opiates — hydrocodone, oxycodone, methadone and morphine — have surged by 270 percent in the past 12 years. …. At the VA, even in the detox unit, they continued to give… Continue reading