New Defense for Drug Crime Offense
New defense for drug crime offense
Filed under: alcohol rehab ga
In 2012, the Republican-dominated Georgia legislature passed a bill implementing statewide drug courts—building off similar courts already in place at several local levels—that send low-risk drug addicts to rehab programs instead of jail. Georgia's …
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Intensive Treatment Program Helps Wyoming Inmates Transition Back Into Society
Intensive Treatment Program helps Wyoming inmates transition back into society
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab program
State Department of Corrections officials said the move was designed to better address the substance abuse treatment needs of minimum custody inmates. The program is now offered at Department of Corrections facilities in… Continue reading
Ruling Says Hospital Can't Force Anti-Psychotic Drug on Patient After …
Ruling says hospital can't force anti-psychotic drug on patient after …
Filed under: in patient drug rehab
The new ruling, released on Monday, found the anti-psychotic schizophrenia drug Risperidone appears to have been administered without Ms. Anten's knowledge in orange juice “to improve her compliance” with the treatment regime. It… Continue reading
Saving Emily, Despite Few Bone Marrow Donors
Saving Emily, despite few bone marrow donors
Filed under: alternative alcohol rehab
So doctors will try an alternative treatment using cord blood, which is collected after childbirth from the placenta and umbilical cord. It's still not a perfect match, but her family hopes it keeps her smiling because the transplant… Continue reading
Viewpoint: How the Drug Treatment System Failed Cory Monteith
Viewpoint: How the Drug Treatment System Failed Cory Monteith
Filed under: in patient drug rehab
His death highlights the dangers of the post-rehab period, and why patients are most vulnerable just after they receive treatment. Monteith's history of distress began early: in an interview with Parade, the 31-year old admitted… Continue reading