Supporting Someone in Drug Rehab?
Question by Jango: Supporting someone in drug rehab?
My sister’s going into a private rehab facility for heroin addiction. She made the choice herself and has been on methadone for 2 months since she quit. So she’s coming off the methadone now. How can I support and encourage… Continue reading
Hunterdon County Police Could Soon Get Overdose Antidote; Drug Could Save …
Hunterdon County police could soon get overdose antidote; drug could save …
While heroin and prescription drug abuse continues to rise, police in Hunterdon County may soon be equipped with a drug that could save the lives of overdose victims. County Prosecutor Anthony Kearns III said authorities are … In… Continue reading
Are Drug Problems Hereditary?
Question by Inahzi13: Are drug problems hereditary?
Best answer:
Answer by doc_holliday1863
Positively not
Answer by Bailey
well, example:
if you grew up around crackhead parents who smoked all the time then you’ll probably see the drug use as normal as going shopping and a part of life until people… Continue reading
Government Roles Towards Eradication of Drug Abuse/addiction?
Question by iwezor: government roles towards eradication of drug abuse/addiction?
Best answer:
Answer by UpAtNight
AKA, the War on Drugs. It’s not working. And they are overzealous in trying to control the medical aspect of prescribing drugs for pain control. People who need it are not getting… Continue reading
Create a Drug Rehabilitation Program for a Male Prison.?
Question by nicky: Create a drug rehabilitation program for a male prison.?
What do you believe needs to be incorported into the program to make it successful? Include: type of inmate to be allowed to participate, length of program, counselor/teacher requirements, resources needed and anything else you think would be… Continue reading
Mississippi Senate OKs Version of Criminal Justice Bill
Mississippi Senate OKs version of criminal justice bill
Mississippi Senate OKs version of criminal justice bill … reduce prison costs by $ 266 million, spread over 10 years. Among other things, it would put more emphasis on drug courts that focus on rehabilitation rather than imprisonment. Tweet. Email …
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