Court Results: Bassetlaw and Rotherham Areas
Court Results: Bassetlaw and Rotherham areas
Filed under: alcohol rehab costs
Stole cheese and alcohol. Community order made to attend drug rehabilitation to be reviewed every five weeks for nine months and to attend supervised appointments with a responsible officer. Ordered to pay £30 compensation and £60 victim surcharge …… Continue reading
The Holistic Sanctuary Is Offering a New Therapy to End Opiate, Methadone …
The Holistic Sanctuary is Offering a New Therapy to End Opiate, Methadone …
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment centers
If the scene inspired déjà vu, it wasn't just because it was the fourth time she had headed to rehab in four years. It was because the spectacle of a celebrity… Continue reading
Does Calling Heroin Addiction a Brain Disease Help Avoid Tragedies Like Philip Seymour Hoffman's Death?
Does Calling Heroin Addiction A Brain Disease Help Avoid Tragedies Like Philip Seymour Hoffman's Death?
Filed under: Addiction Treatment
In a recent Time essay, David Sheff says Philip Seymour Hoffman was not responsible for the decisions that led to his death because he suffered from "a brain disease that's often… Continue reading
Thoughts on 12 Step Model for Treatment and Recovery
Thoughts On 12 Step Model for Treatment and Recovery – Dr. Akikur Mohammad, founder of Inspire Malibu ( and a pioneer in non 12 step therapy for addiction: Adiction is a chronic medic…
NH House passes 1st-offense DWI bill on voice vote
Filed under: alcohol rehab treatment center
CONCORD… Continue reading