detox program

Methadone Detox at Home intro.wmv

methadone detox at home intro.wmv — Methadone detox at home introduction to online detox program. Buy “How to methadone detox program on-line” from…

My Neighbor, The Methadone Clinic: Part III
Marcos's wife took him to a detox rehab for 90 days. Formerly against methadone, she realized it was necessary… Continue reading

Heroin Help?

Question by Happy- Go: Heroin Help?
My nephew is doing heroin. How can I as an Aunt help him?
should I go to group sessions with him? I personally do not understand this drug. I know Its highly addictive. He is only 20 years old and my husband says its… Continue reading

Methadone Detox: Detoxing From Methadone Is Possible!

Methadone Detox: Detoxing from Methadone is Possible! — ~ (561) 842.9550 Methadone detox is possible within 6 to 8 weeks. Detox from Methadone safely and without pain. Dr. Agresti, West Pa…

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
Then drive 35 miles from his suburban home in Aurora to… Continue reading

Does Anyone Know of a Good Detox and Inpatient Treatment Center in Milwaukee, WI?

Question by EzraMoon: Does anyone know of a good detox and inpatient treatment center in Milwaukee, WI?

Best answer:

Answer by kermit
I’ve heard Meta House is really good.
Are you a woman? They specialize in women. Its downtown on prospect.

my friend was doing outpatiet stuff there… she… Continue reading

Why Did Kurt Cobain Commit Suicide?

Question by Matt F: Why did Kurt Cobain commit suicide?
I was wondering because i no he had a herion addiction but

Best answer:

Answer by Johnny Rocker89
He couldn’t handle the lifestyle and got sick of it.

Answer by †?Debby. ?Cute Sensitive One!?
Following a tour stop at Terminal… Continue reading

Medecine to Get You Off Heroin?

Question by Kaity L.: medecine to get you off heroin?
is there a prescribed legal medicene toget you off heroin?

Best answer:

Answer by dr. hoops
i think if you join these groups to help you get off of them then they may proscribe you marijuana, then get you off… Continue reading