World Drug Addiction Statistics?
Question by : World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being born here… Continue reading
Drug Addiction Occurs When?
Question by : drug addiction occurs when?
Best answer:
Answer by Jessica
You have one drug too many.
Answer by Horatio Gomez
It only takes one cigarette to get addicted. One.
Kennedy: Help stop drug addiction before it starts
Over two-thirds of people who abuse prescription medication obtain… Continue reading
New Method to Treat Cocaine Addiction Effectively
New method to treat cocaine addiction effectively
New York, April 24 (IANS) There is hardly any effective medications for cocaine addiction, but researchers have now discovered a new compound that can halt cocaine addiction, raising hope for new treatment for drug addicts. The compound, named 'RO5263397', severely blunted a broad… Continue reading