Alcoholics Anonymous

Camden Planning Board Wraps Up Fox Hill Public Hearings Tonight

Camden Planning Board wraps up Fox Hill public hearings tonight
Filed under: malibu alcohol rehab center

The bones of contention between project proponents and opponents rest on the debate of whether such an alcohol treatment center is a hospital or a residential treatment facility; whether it fits with the zoning… Continue reading

Fireball to Open Folk Concert

Fireball to open folk concert
Filed under: residential alcohol rehab

Shepherd credits pivotal moments in his life as having affected his music, such as his bout with alcoholism. “Going through detox and rehab was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life and the best thing I've ever… Continue reading

Best Drug Rehabilitation's CEO Per Wickstrom Interviews Dave Veres on

Best Drug Rehabilitation's CEO Per Wickstrom Interviews Dave Veres on
Filed under: private alcohol rehab clinic

A new video from Best Drug Rehabilitation is featuring an interview between CEO Per Wickstrom, and former MLB pitcher Dave Veres on how to help kids avoid alcohol and drug abuse. (PRWEB) December… Continue reading

Abilene, Big Country Calendar of Events Through Thanksgiving

Abilene, Big Country calendar of events through Thanksgiving
Filed under: alcohol rehab orange county

Schizophrenia Support Group, 1 p.m., Advocates of Abilene, 333 Orange St. (use back door). 325-676-1400. … Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Avoca United Methodist Church. … COMANCHE — The Comanche County Chapter of the American …… Continue reading

Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed)

Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed)
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Janina Kean, a substance-abuse and addiction expert, is president and CEO of High Watch Recovery Center, the world's first 12-Step treatment center. Kean led the first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to be held in China's Yunnan province, within the… Continue reading

Addiction Treatment: Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed) –

Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed) –
Filed under: Addiction Treatment
Why the US Fails at Treating Addiction (Op-Ed)
Janina Kean, a substance-abuse and addiction expert, is president and CEO of High Watch Recovery Center, the world's first 12-Step treatment center. Kean led the first… Continue reading