alcohol problems

Meds a Good ‘First Step’ for Treating Alcoholism – Fox News

Meds a good ‘first step’ for treating alcoholism – Fox News
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Meds a good 'first step' for treating alcoholism
Fox News
The drugs, acamprosate (marketed as Campral) and naltrexone (ReVia), are both non-addictive themselves and don't make users sick when mixed with alcohol. So they're… Continue reading

Dozens Attend First UNM Hospital Meeting

Dozens Attend First UNM Hospital Meeting
Filed under: drug detox centre

Jennifer Weiss, of the Heroin Awareness Committee, was one of several people who asked whether the hospital would dedicate any resources for drug-addicted patients, such as a detox center. UNM does not have plans for that, but officials said… Continue reading

Ongoing Rehab for Double Stabbing – the Canberra Times

Ongoing rehab for double stabbing – The Canberra Times
Filed under: Alcohol Rehab

Ongoing rehab for double stabbing
The Canberra Times
The court heard Flowers suffered from mental health, drug and alcohol problems. The offender was receiving treatment in Odyssey House in Sydney, and the court heard he was making… Continue reading

Attorney Recovers From Serious Alcoholism With Help From Brighton Center for Recovery

Attorney recovers from serious alcoholism with help from Brighton Center for Recovery – A grateful practicing attorney describes how Brighton Center for Recovery saved his life after his habit of drinking Absolut put in at risk for life, limb, career and marriage. Many attorneys seek help from Brighton Hospital, via… Continue reading

Steve Smith: Surf's Not Up for Beach Boys & the Ventures

Steve Smith: Surf's not up for Beach Boys & The Ventures
Filed under: alcohol rehab london

BEACH BOYS WILSON & JARDINE WANT 'ENDLESS SUMMER' The Beach Boys widely heralded 73-concert 50 th anniversary world tour ends in London with shows on Thursday and Friday, but some in the band do… Continue reading

Children as Young as 14 Treated for Alcohol Problems in Plymouth

Children as young as 14 treated for alcohol problems in Plymouth
Filed under: young adult drug rehab

Anne Milton, the then Health Minister said in her written parliamentary response: "Young people's treatment needs differ from those of adults. Very few young people develop dependency. "Those who use drugs or alcohol… Continue reading