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alcohol problems

Does My Friend Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Question by annaliese r: Does my friend need alcohol addiction treatment?
I have a friend who stopped drinking alcohol two days ago and she has been experiencing what seems to me like withdrawal symptoms. She’s always craving alcohol and gets clammy hands. I told her these are signs… Continue reading

Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge in Ireland?

Question by YaroElf: Why Drug Addiction Is So Huge In Ireland?
Just simple curiosity…

I stumbled upon an article from some Irish website that claimed that in 2011 80% of

Irish drink beer daily or once in two days. An average pub crawl night for an Irish is… Continue reading

What Project Can I Make Out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology Research?

Question by thomas_afi628: What project can I make out of Drug-Alcohol Abuse Psychology research?
I am a senior in high school, and we have to do a big graduation project that consists of a 5-page paper, 15 hours with a mentor, and a final presentation in front… Continue reading

Can Someone Tell Me About nonMaori Polynesian People in New Zealand?

Question by Kevin7: can someone tell me about nonMaori Polynesian people in New Zealand?

Best answer:

Answer by dreamland 3^[]^3angel
The Maori people are the indigenous people of New Zealand. They are Polynesian and comprise about 10% of the country’s population. Maoritanga is the native language which is related to… Continue reading

NFL: At 40, Terrell Owens Believes He Can Still Play in League

NFL: At 40, Terrell Owens believes he can still play in league
Filed under: alcohol rehab in nj

"You have so many guys with off-the-field problems, drug issues, alcohol problems and they're still given second chances and third chances. They're putting them in rehab and keeping them on the team.… Continue reading

Vote: Biggest League Story of 2013

Vote: Biggest league story of 2013
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab sydney

Chairman Damian Irvine falls on his sword after claiming players were given horse drugs. The scandal … REIGNING Dally M medallist Ben Barba is sensationally stood down by the Bulldogs due to gambling and alcohol problems. …… Continue reading