alcohol detox

Rehab Centers in Phoenix Arizona?

Question by Sonya: Rehab Centers in phoenix Arizona?
I am recently deciding to go into rehab for my meth addiction. I want to be in a place that’s flexible enough to where i can still see my family but yet keep me from straying away. I want a… Continue reading

Drug Rehab Fort Worth TX (817) 405-0626 Today for Alcohol Detox

Drug Rehab Fort Worth TX (817) 405-0626 Today for Alcohol Detox — Drug Rehab Fort Worth TX, are dedicated to drug and alcohol rehab, including detox Fort Worth TX, counseling and after ca…

Texas judge in teen wreck closes different case
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A Fort Worth… Continue reading

Detox Center for Heroin Abuse

Detox Center For Heroin Abuse — – Drug and alcohol detox can alleviate you from your dependence on substances. Detoxification is the initiation of the addict …

Des Montes man will stay in jail after escape
Martínez had twice attempted to complete drug court, spent six months in a… Continue reading

Our Mom Can’t Function Without Illegal Drugs.?

Question by marcusbowerman: Our mom can’t function without illegal drugs.?
Our mom can’t function without illegal drugs. This addiction is really beginning to erode our relationship. I am conflicted between wanting to help and fearing the consequences.

How do I go about helping in this personal problem? I… Continue reading

Detox or Rehabs for Those Without Insurance?

Question by sprggb: Detox or Rehabs for those without insurance?
My younger brother is a heroin addict and is desperate (as is my family) to try to kick the habit. He lives in NH and has no job and no health insurance. We need to find a detox clinic or… Continue reading

How Do I Over Come a Pain Killer Addiction?

Question by onlyus67: How do I over come a pain killer addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by due sept 20
well if its morphine talk to your doctor and they will put u on methadome to ween u off them

Answer by zane g
Slowly cut down your intake cold turkey… Continue reading