8 p.m

Addiction Treatment: Stick to Years of Scientific Research. Reject Arbitrary Limit on Addiction Treatment

Stick to years of scientific research. Reject arbitrary limit on addiction treatment
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Posted March 04, 2014, at 12:58 p.m. Last modified March 04, 2014, at 3:29 p.m.
Addiction Treatment – Yahoo News Search Results


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A new video from Best Drug Rehabilitation is featuring an interview between CEO Per Wickstrom, and former MLB pitcher Dave Veres on how to help kids avoid alcohol and drug abuse. (PRWEB) December… Continue reading

Abilene, Big Country Calendar of Events Through Thanksgiving

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Famous Ex Monk Santikaro Delivers a Buddhist Interpretation of Addiction
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Located in a private riverside location just outside the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand, our pioneering and effective inpatient addiction treatment model has seen us gain an exemplary reputation amongst… Continue reading

If You Love Me, You'll Send Me to Rehab…Again.

If you love me, you'll send me to rehab…again.
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Sit in on and open-forum Al-Anon meeting and you'll be sure to find victims who are past enablers of addicts. They can tell you first hand how addicts identify people like themselves, whom they can… Continue reading

Addiction Treatment: Heroin Overdose Antidote Training at Addiction Treatment Center in Vernon Hills

Heroin overdose antidote training at addiction treatment center in Vernon Hills
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An addiction treatment center in Vernon Hills is scheduled to host the latest suburban training session on administering an antidote for heroin and other drug overdoses. Training on how to use naloxone on someone experiencing… Continue reading