Support Systems Homes Hosts Certified Alcohol Detox Programs in the Bay Area and San Francisco

Support Systems Homes Hosts Certified Alcohol Detox Programs in the Bay Area and San Francisco – Support Systems Homes hosts certified alcohol detox programs in the Bay Area and San Francisco. Parents with children that need help are choosing certified a…


Botox – an Effective Treatment for Migraines
Filed under: effective alcohol rehab

The Miami Herald recently reported that the wrinkle-buster Botox can be an effective treatment for migraine headaches. Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Medical Corporation says that he has seen success in his practice with the Botox migraine treatment.
Read more on SBWire (press release)


Government proposes new program to replace public service sick leave policy
Filed under: effective alcohol rehab

Clement said the new programs would be more efficient and effective than the present system, while also offering fairer treatment to employees. For example, the system of banking sick leave favours longer-term employees over new hires and younger …
Read more on Victoria Times Colonist


Frequent binge drinking is associated with insomnia symptoms in older adults
Filed under: effective alcohol rehab

At SLEEP 2013 ( more than 1,300 research abstract presentations showcased new findings that contribute to the understanding of sleep and the effective diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders such as insomnia, narcolepsy and …


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