'Sunshine Project': China's New Approach to Drug Problems
'Sunshine Project': China's new approach to drug problems
Filed under: christian drug rehab centers
In the past, drug users were handed prison sentences or sent to rehabilitation centers. Recognizing the shortsightedness of … In the words of writer and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton, “A thing must be loved before it is lovable.” Tags: China …
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Generation Next – From Cocaine to Codeine
Filed under: christian drug rehab centers
It is a battle to overcome, but it has a hard grip on me," said a 27-year-old codeine addict who graduated from one of the nation's private university last year and is an outpatient drug abuse victim undergoing a talking medicine at a rehab center. A …
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Was 'wet' behind Camden attacks?
Filed under: christian drug rehab centers
Phones have been ringing more frequently at My Brother's Keeper, a drug rehab center. The possibly wet-fueled attack was the … He's on wet, I'm afraid,' " said Oscar Hernandez, a drug counselor at the Christian organization. "There's a lot of users …
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Christian Drug Rehab Centers & Facilities California Part 1 – www.drugalternativeprogram.com The quality of a Christian drug rehabilitation program is defined by the success rate of the men who graduate the program. The Drug Alternative Program offers addicts a physical and spiritual renewal that they need to remain sober for years to come.
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