Questions Concerning San Antonio CPS Guidelines?
Question by bulldog: Questions concerning San Antonio CPS guidelines?
My 2 yr. grandson has been under the watch of San Antonio Child Protective Services since he was 3 months old. Both of his parents are drug addicts and have neglected, verbally and physically abused their child (my grandson). CPS removed custody of my grandson, and my sister currently has “temporary guardianship”. Both parents have failed mandatory drug tests, failed to start or complete CPS ordered parenting classes and anger management sessions. The abuse has only escalated and the drug abuse is out of control.
CPS stated recently that both parents were not allowed contact with their child. My daughter (the baby’s mother) got into a fight with my sister and CPS informed my sister that my daughter had the authority to determine who watched her child, per CPS regulations. CPS also stated that since the baby’s father had a child support order allowing him weekend visitations he could take the baby because the child support order superseded any restrictions their agency has put in place. San Antonio CPS has seriously failed my grandson repeatedly and I wanted to know if the above information I have been given is accurate as it seems preposterous that known, documented abusers would be given free reign to continue the abuse. As well, as the right to determine who watches the child they abuse. Please I need solid information to help protect my grandson.
Best answer:
Answer by raviet31
I’m so sorry, but I don’t have an answer for you. I suggest that you contact an attorney. You can also report allegations of abuse to the police. They will act much quicker than CPS.
Answer by Battered by the system
I’m so sorry to hear how your grandson’s case is going. We have been being threatened, mistreated, and slandered by the people who are supposed to be helping advocate for the children we care for. If you do not feel that the case is being properly handled, file a grievance with the caseworker’s supervisor, but be forewarned, the ones we deal with are buddies and complaining did nothing but get them to start slandering our names. I pray that you have much better success than we did. Keep records of EVERYTHING!
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