Question on America’s Drug Abuse?

Question by I Moved Your Cheese: Question on America’s drug abuse?
Statistics say that in England drug abuse is largely a lower-class problem, and areas where many immigrants reside tend to have higher drug-related crime rates than others. Yes, I do realise that these are generalisations and there are many exceptions, but they are not entirely false claims either.

So I was wondering if this was also the case in America or if it was a much more serious, widespread problem there.

Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by pedro
Drug abuse is not quantifiable by racial profile, nor by citizen/immigrant status in America. It has some relation to economic status, as a component of opportunity to find meaning in life. There is recreational use/abuse. There is addiction. There is the black market aspect. There is the crime against persons and property aspect. There is a huge market for abuse of pharmaceuticals which are sold by prescription yet controlled substances.
Once we get messed up with drug abuse, we are potentially added to the statistics created by law enforcement. There are not equivalent statistics for recovered addicts of which I am aware. And yes, we have alcoholics, and they are a component of drug abuse.

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