Narconon Fresh Start Imports South African Speaker to Reveal International

Narconon Fresh Start Imports South African Speaker to Reveal International
Filed under: drug rehab locations

Van der Feyst himself spent ten years struggling to free himself from drug addiction. It was only when he traveled from South Africa to a Narconon drug rehab center in Denmark that he broke free. Then he knew he had to help others escape the torment he …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Juvenile rehab moving into homes
Filed under: drug rehab locations

State-run Youth Rehabilitation and Treatment Centers in Kearney and Geneva and the drug and alcohol treatment center at Hastings would be reserved only for more serious offenders under LB561, introduced by Sen. Brad Ashford of Omaha. Nebraska …
Read more on Kearney Hub


The Record: Letters, Friday, May 17
Filed under: drug rehab locations

The suffering families and addicts who wrote in response to your series need only to connect the dots to reveal a straight line between prohibition and their drug addiction plight: prohibition equals profit incentive equals supply equals addiction …


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