My Husband Addicted to Drugs but PASSED Drug Test! How Can This Be??? BIG MESS! HELP!!!?
Question by Bande: My husband addicted to drugs but PASSED drug test! How can this be??? BIG MESS! HELP!!!?
I am going through some VERY hard times right now. I have been married for 15 years to this man & since the past 4 years he started using & abusing drugs. (Lortabs, oxycontin, oxycodone, percecets, morphene suckers and marijuana & whetever else he could get his hands on. LONG story short, his abuse has destroyed our family. I have 2 children, one is 19 yrs old from former relationship, (I got married to him when she was only 3yrs). We also have a daughter together who is now 3 years old.
He had gotten so out of control he threatened to hit my 19 yr old & I stepped in between to protect her & he threatened to knock us both in the floor, but didn’t. I ended up leaving with my 2 girls hoping things would calm down in a day or two. I called him to try to see what frame of mind he was in to see if it was safe to return home, he only sounded as MAD as ever!!! He says it’s because I took our 3 yr old girl. (I didn’t want to, but I felt I had to for everyone’s safety). Well, he actually made threats against me & my 19 yr olds life on about 4 different phone calls…..(he didn’t come right out & say he would “kill us”, but it certainly was implied! Such as saying things like …”I will use all my money, power & resorces to get you & Joshualyn (my 19 yr old daughter) out of the way!!!” because he said that “NO ONE will ever keep him away from his daughter!” (our 3 yr old). another time he said “because I have done this unpardonable sin (of taking our 3 yr old away) that I am driving my own nails in my coffin!” The man isn’t even in his right mind anymore! anyway, that was just a couple phone conversations with him. Well of course I have a protection order now & I filed for a divorce about 2 weeks ago. (this all happened about 1 month ago now). Ok, now we have our lawyers & I demand hair follical drug testing because I KNOW with my own eyes for a FACT he did drugs! But lo & behold HIS HAIR & URINE test came back CLEAN!!!! How can this be??? Does anyone know HOW someone can pass a test like that when you are indeed doing drugs? Oh yes, I need to say that this past June (after years of pleading) he did go to a detox place, which he did just now complete, BUT he was Still smoking pot up till the day I left 1 month ago. & was also abusing the narcotic “Subutex” they gave him to get off ALL the other junk! SO why didn’t ANYTHING show up???? Please help, I don’t know how he could have done this! ???
Best answer:
Answer by Mike P
Junkies can trick drug tests because that is all they think about aside from getting drugs. Look, he’s a loser user and his drug abuse will eventaully come out in the wash. His act will fade and he will be exposed a true junkie.
You need to stay the path and stay away from this dude. Be sure to be in a safe location and be sure the police know if he ever comes to your home. Keep down this path that is taking you away from this bad man.
Answer by vmaldia
i’m surprised that a hair test was clean
maybe he has fake hair. he got a sample of hair from a clean person and used magic tricks (sleight of hand) to substitute it for his own hair while the sample was tested. or he could have bribed someone on the inside.
get a second opinion from another testing center
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