Instructors Face Disqualification if Found Mistreating Internet Addicts – Xinhua
Instructors face disqualification if found mistreating Internet addicts – Xinhua
Filed under: Addiction Treatment
Instructors face disqualification if found mistreating Internet addicts Xinhua Zhao Jing, director of a national project service center, which is responsible for training and appraising psychological instructors for teenage Internet addicts, said the center will fail those who use violence during treatment. The purpose of the … Crackdown on violence at rehabs |
Addiction Treatment – Google News
CenterPointe Hospital: Addiction is Treatable – Addiction to alcohol or other drugs is a chronic, progressive disease that affects not only the individual with the addiction, but entire families. However, addiction is treatable. CenterPointe Hospital offers individuals experiencing addiction and their families the opportunity to cope with their illnesses and begin lives of recovery. The private Hospital’s residential and outpatient addiction treatment programs provide confidential assessment, individualized patient care and medically managed treatment that incorporate therapy, education and a 12-step means by which to begin a lifetime of recovery. For more information about CenterPointe’s comprehensive addiction treatment or other behavioral health services, call 1.800.345.5407 or visit
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